We Resolve IRS Payroll Tax Issues Without Hassle!

Have you received an IRS notice of unpaid payroll taxes? At Tax Resolution Experts, we understand the challenges and know how to resolve them. Our payroll tax resolution services are designed to provide efficient and effective solutions to help your business resolve any tax issues related to payroll.


When Does The IRS Issue Payroll Tax Notice?

Late or Missed Payments: If your business fails to remit payroll taxes on time, the IRS will send a notice. These taxes include withholdings from employee wages for federal income, Social Security, and Medicare taxes.

Discrepancies in Filings: Notices are also issued when there are discrepancies between the payroll taxes reported and what the IRS calculates. This can happen due to errors in tax forms or miscalculations.

Failure to File Tax Returns: If your business doesn’t file required payroll tax returns, such as Form 941 for quarterly filings, the IRS will alert you through a notice, seeking the missing documentation.

Employee Information Errors: Errors in employee information, such as incorrect Social Security numbers or names, can result in an IRS notice because they affect tax calculations and filings.

Understanding in Depth: Employee vs. Employer Responsibilities

Shared Contributions

Both employees and employers contribute to Social Security and Medicare taxes. The employee sees a deduction on their paycheck, and the employer matches this amount.

Unemployment Taxes

Only employers contribute to Federal and State Unemployment Taxes. There's no deduction from the employee's wages for these.

Accurate Reporting

Employers must accurately report payroll taxes to the IRS and ensure they pay them on time.

Tax Documents

At year-end, employers provide employees with W-2 forms. These forms show how much was earned and taken out for taxes.

Employee Information

Employees should give accurate details to their employers, like the number of dependents, to ensure the right amount of tax is withheld.

Consequences of Neglecting IRS Payroll Taxes:
A Wake-Up Call for Businesses

  • Penalties and Interest: Businesses not paying their IRS payroll taxes face escalating penalties and interest. This includes the Trust Fund Recovery Penalty (TFRP), targeting individuals responsible for the unpaid taxes. The mounting costs can overwhelm businesses, making it hard to recover financially.

  • Legal Consequences: The IRS sternly addresses payroll tax violations, possibly leading to asset seizures, bank levies, and federal tax liens. These legal actions can be expensive and lengthy, risking business closure or bankruptcy.

  • Reputation Impact: Failing to meet IRS payroll tax duties can seriously harm a business’s reputation. Such news can quickly undermine trust among clients, suppliers, and partners, affecting future growth and collaborations.

  • Employee Impact: Neglecting payroll taxes affects employees, potentially depriving them of full benefits like Social Security and Medicare. It can also lead to salary payment issues, resulting in employee dissatisfaction and turnover.

  • Audit Risks: Ignoring payroll tax obligations may trigger an IRS audit. These intrusive audits can be stressful and costly, and might reveal additional compliance issues, leading to more penalties.


Payroll Tax Problem Simplified

As an IRS Tax Relief Expert, I’ve seen firsthand the complexities and challenges that businesses face with payroll tax return problems. With years of experience in the field and numerous successfully resolved cases under my belt, my goal is to resolve payroll tax problems for you.

When you come to us, we take the time to understand your challenges and give you a strategic roadmap for efficient resolution.


Kenya Sheard

Founder & EA, Tax Resolution Experts

Step-By-Step Guide To Our IRS Payroll Tax Resolution

Initial Consultation

We assess your situation first. That’s step one. By understanding your business's needs, we can tailor our approach to offer the most effective solutions.

Detailed Review

Our experts delve into your financial records to identify any discrepancies or areas of concern. This step is vital to understanding the full scope of payroll tax issues.

Strategic Roadmap Planning

With a clear picture of your payroll tax status, we devise a comprehensive strategy. This plan will address current issues and lay a foundation for future tax compliance.

Communication with the IRS

One of the most daunting aspects of payroll tax issues can be dealing directly with the IRS. Our team will handle all communications, ensuring your interests are represented accurately and effectively.


We will implement the solutions once we've developed a strategy and received approval. This could involve setting up payment plans, addressing back taxes, or adjusting payroll processes.

Ongoing Support

Our commitment continues even after your issues are resolved. We offer ongoing support to ensure you remain compliant and are prepared for future tax obligations.

Payroll tax challenges can be overwhelming, but with The Tax Resolution Experts, walk with confidence. Let us handle the complexities so you can focus on what you do best - running your business.


Understanding in Detail: Components of Payroll Taxes

Social Security Tax

This tax funds the country’s social security program, which provides financial support to retirees, people with disabilities, and survivors of deceased workers. Both employers and employees contribute equally to this tax.

Medicare Tax

Medicare is a health insurance program primarily for seniors aged 65 and older. Like Social Security, the employer and employee pitch in to fund this program through their payroll taxes.

Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)

This tax is solely the employer’s responsibility. It provides financial assistance to workers who’ve lost their jobs. The funds accumulated through FUTA are used to pay unemployment compensation to laid-off workers.

State Unemployment Taxes (SUTA)

Like FUTA, but at the state level, SUTA is again the employer’s responsibility. Rates and unemployment benefits can vary from state to state.

Additional State or Local Taxes

Some states or localities might have additional payroll taxes to fund specific programs or services. You must know any additional tax responsibilities based on your business’s location.

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Why Do You Need Tax Resolution Experts to Resolve Your IRS Payroll Tax Problems?

  • Comprehensive Understanding: We simplify the IRS payroll tax complexities in one go. From hefty paperwork to negotiations with the IRS, we ensure your business remains fully compliant with IRS rules and regulations.
  • Precision in Compliance: Misinterpretations of IRS notices can lead to severe financial penalties. We focus on precision and accuracy in every response, safeguarding your business from potential fiscal setbacks.
  • Efficient Resolution: Addressing IRS concerns demands significant time and effort. We take on this responsibility so you can focus on your core business operations. Our efficient approach aims to resolve your payroll tax issues promptly.
  • Customized Strategies: Every payroll notice issued by the IRS is unique. We provide tailored solutions to your specific situation, aiming for the best possible outcomes for your company.
  • Assurance and Support: Our expertise provides you with confidence and reassurance. We manage all aspects of IRS communications and resolutions, reducing your stress.

Quick Tips for Effective Payroll Tax Management

Stay Updated

Tax regulations can shift. It's crucial to remain informed to sidestep potential errors and unforeseen penalties.

Use Technology

Numerous tax software tools are available, simplifying tasks like calculating taxes, making payments, and completing forms.

Keep Good Records

Maintaining clear and organized records of all financial transactions is fundamental. This practice is invaluable during tax season or if questions arise about your financials.

Set Money Aside

Regularly save some of your earnings for tax obligations. This proactive approach prevents last-minute financial strain and possible late fees.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Federal income tax
  • Social Security tax
  • Medicare tax
  • Federal unemployment tax (FUTA)
  • State and local income taxes
  • State unemployment tax (SUTA)

Employers are responsible for paying payroll taxes for their employees. They withhold the taxes from employees’ paychecks and then remit them to the government.

The amount of payroll taxes withheld from an employee’s paycheck depends on the employee’s earnings and the tax rates. The government sets the tax rates and may change from year to year.

Employers are required to report payroll taxes to the government regularly. The frequency of reporting depends on the type of tax. For example, Form 941 reports federal income tax withholdings quarterly.

Several penalties can be imposed on employers who fail to pay payroll taxes. These penalties can include interest, fines, and even criminal charges.

FICA taxes are Social Security and Medicare taxes. Both employers and employees pay them. FUTA taxes are unemployment taxes that are paid by employers only.

Yes, self-employed individuals must pay payroll taxes on their earnings. They can do this by making estimated tax payments throughout the year.

There are many resources available to help you with payroll taxes. You can contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or your state tax agency for assistance. You can also get direct help from our tax professionals to help with payroll taxes.


Hear from my satisfied clients!


Jason Martinez

“When I first received the notice of an IRS audit, the anxiety was overwhelming. I had heard so many horror stories and didn’t know where to turn. That’s when I heard about Tax Resolution Experts. Kenya took the time to understand my situation, prepped me for the process, and stood right by my side during every interaction with the IRS. Today, I look back and realize I couldn’t have navigated through it without the right expertise. A sincere thank you to her for lifting such a weight off my shoulders!”


Rebecca Simmons

“Dealing with back taxes felt like a looming storm cloud over my life. Every year, I’d tell myself I’d address it, and the debt grew every year. That’s when I found out about Kenya! Her approach was compassionate, straightforward, and efficient. She laid out a clear plan; before I knew it, I was on the path to clearing my tax debt. She is nothing short of blessing, and I’m genuinely grateful for the guidance.”


Michael O'Brien

“Running a small business is challenging, and I admit payroll taxes got the best of me. Errors led to penalties, and soon it became a messy web I couldn’t untangle. Tax Resolution Experts were the lifeline I needed. It was Kenya’s name all over after that! She helped me clear up past mistakes and set up a system to ensure smooth payroll operations. I can’t express how much easier my life is now, all thanks to her diligence.”

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